Mike's Records, a listing of ITV, Channel 4 and 5 dvds

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ITV, Channel 4 and 5 list of dvds

Below is a ITV, Channel 4 and 5 list of dvds on the site.

ITV, Channel 4 and 5 dvds

This section covers all Independent Television compnaies collectively known as ITV but also includes the later TV channels Channel 4 and Channel 5.

Click on the catalogue number to view the values for each individual entry.
Catalogue number and title
37115 05913
Title - Dangerman - Complete series 1
Artist(s) - Various
Rating: 3
Title - Quatermass
Artist(s) - Nigel Kneale
Rating: 3
VCD 0168
Title - Trigger happy TV - Best of series 1
Artist(s) - Dom Joly
Rating: 3
VCD 0183
Title - Trigger happy TV - Best of series 2
Artist(s) - Dom Joly
Rating: 3
VCD 0240
Title - Trigger happy TV - Series 3
Artist(s) - Dom Joly
Rating: 3

Items total

There are 5 items listed.

Select this view all dvds link to see all releases.